Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Feeling the Music at La Bomba

I woke up and got my stuff ready for class. I then relaxed for a bit and read. Eventually, I got lunch which I quickly ate due to having class at 1. After lunch, Chelsey, Joe and I quickly dashed to school. I met up with some people before my history class started. We discussed the pre independence structure of South America. It was rather interesting. I love this history. I hope to learn more in the future. We got out early so I hung out with some people in the meantime. I picked up my book for my Political and Social Change class. I then met some people in other programs who seem chill.

In Spanish, we mostly just talked about random stuff. It reminds me a lot of my Spanish class back in Madrid. I prefer it than actually sticking to a text book. After, I walked home where I met up with people. We grabbed some stuff and headed to Leslie's. We hung out there for a while before heading to this place called La Bomba. It happens every Monday night. Its a big warehouse where professional drummers, play while hundreds if not more just dance and have a good time. It was a lot of fun. I ran into some friends, including one of the girls who works at the hostel I stayed at here, and my friend Elysa from Guilford. After, I walked some girls home and then pretty much crashed since I have a class at 10 on Tuesdays.

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