Thursday, March 11, 2010

"Any life is made up of a single moment, the moment in which a man finds out, once and for all, who he is."

I had tried to wake up for breakfast but I couldn't find the will power to do it. I eventually dragged myself out of bed. I forced myself into a shower. I then got ready for class. Eventually, I headed out. I met up with some friends while waiting for class. After waiting for like 20 or 30 minutes, we found out that we were suppose to be in the other building. So we in a mass herd, headed over. There we finally learned about the class. Some of the texts and the authors seem interesting while others I am not sure.

After class, I met up with some people and headed to the residencia. I ate some lunch before hanging out for an hour or so. Then I headed to Plaza de Mayo. There on every Thursday for over 30 years, mothers and relatives of those who went missing during the "Dirty War" come in march for 20-30 minutes. It was kind of powerful. I can not wait to read and learn about this part of their history. It is this part of history among others that drew me to Latin America. This region interests me so much that I can not even explain. I will edit and post photos from today soon. Nahuel, one of those who run my program, gave us a history lesson on this piece of history. We then went into the city cathedral where San Martin is buried.

After, some of my friends and I headed to a cafe for food and drinks. It was chill. Then we got on the busy subte and headed home. At home, I relaxed until dinner. After dinner, I started to watch "Brief Interviews with Hideous Men." It is on my queue, so I am trying to eliminate it from it. Then some people suggested seeing "Shutter Island." So we did. It was a really good movie that messes with your head. I quite enjoyed. I give a 4 out of 5. After, we walked home. I then finished the other movie. It was good and I want to read the book. I also tried to start to figure out classes for the fall, well primarily since I haven't seen a finalized version of classes.

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