Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Under the Pressure


I woke up around 9ish. I hung out for a bit before running some errands with Michele and Natalia. We first stopped for juice. I met their famous juice lady, Then Michele and I went to a market to make some purchases. Then I dropped off a postcard and a roll of film. Then we headed back to the hostel.

I hung out and watched Lost. Amazing as always. I talked to Abbey and read for a bit. I grabbed lunch with Michele and Natalia next door. Got a lot of food for three soles. Natalia´s boyfriend is in town (he is a sushi chef in Madrid, aka AMAZING). We met him before I headed to school.

In the tutoring room, we changed from reading to math. I first worked on multiplications with the children. Some got it and others didn´t. I showed them some short cuts. Then when we changed groups, and I then focused on doing addition and subtraction in the same time. Again some got it and others. I had to drill it into their head. We had a short circle time due to rain and hail. Then in family time, we practiced our dance moves the whole time.

After, we had our meeting. Then Michele and Niko and I had pizza for dinner with beer. We talked about various topics from broken fingers to the ocean.

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