Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Preparing various futures

Before bed, I decided to write down cities that I am considering looking for jobs in post grad. Yes early, but this way I can start making a list of places for employment in each of these cities. There were several qualifications: 1) Big city, 2) Some form of sports team in the area or easy to get to and last 3) A good music scene. My list is the following as of now in no order, and these are just possibilities: Phoenix, LA, San Francisco/Oakland, San Jose, San Diego, Denver, Portland, Seattle, Chicago, Cincinnati, Austin, NYC, Charlotte, Boston, DC, Baltimore, Atlanta, Detroit, Miami, Nashville, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, St. Louis, New Orleans. This is all subject to change but I need to start look at possibilities to start preparing. On the same thought process, I am thinking I might need to start looking for a summer job soon, maybe. I would like to have something lined up by the time I come back stateside. So I need to get the ball rolling on that.

Today, I woke up and got my stuff together and formally checked out. I had breakfast and read. Then read some more. I wrote in my journal. Then I watched Lost and talked to Abbey for a bit. Then I grabbed lunch and read some more. I am nearing the end, so a run to a bookstore is in order soon because I only have 20 pages left. I have been hanging out for a little bit. My 14 hour bus leaves in like 3 hrs hence why I am writing this now. I also made some emails. I find out my camera´s fate tomorrow. I am a bit nervous. I am expecting the worst or if it is alive, I am sure it might be cheaper to buy a new one than repair it and I would have a replacement sooner :D.

Mom and Dad, if you read this entry, I will email you two when I find out what happens so we can figure out the next course of action. Love, Jack

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