Monday, February 22, 2010

Love and Wine


Woke up even later, due to my late night last night. I showered and got ready for the day. I went out and grabbed food and relaxed which was pleasant. I then headed to my hostel. There I waited with others for our van to pick us to wine touring. Eventually it showed up, late due to "Argentina time."

Our first stop was not at a vineyard but a place that specializes in more desert liquors and what not. After describing the different possibilities, from chocolate flavor, absinthe, vodka etc. We all had various samples. I tried Dulce de Leche. It was pretty good. I bought dulce de leche cream to have on bread. I am excited. It is a big Argentine treat.

Our second stop was a vineyard. They explained their process. This particular bodega has been around for 400 years more or less. It was interesting to learn all about wine. Then we got to try samples. The first sample was alright, a young wine (straight to the bottle). The second bottle from the oak (sat in a barrell) was much better. They showed us some of their higher name brands, including one that costs 280 pesos (around $70 US) because it won wine of the year in 1999. They have very limited left so we didn´t get to try that out. I bought the second one to have some random night.

Our third destination was another style of vineyard. It has been around for 60 years. They had different style of process. The wine was alright. I defintely perfer from the oak wines more. Then our fourth stop was an olive oil factory. We got to learn how they make olive oil which was interesting. We tried some samples. It was hard to put down. Some of the locations were beautiful that my withdrawal hit me. We then headed back to the hostel. I rushed to an internet cafe to have a Skype date with Abbey since it is our 1.5 years. (WOW). It was lovely. Eventually, the money and time went bye bye. So I headed out. At my hostel, I read and relaxed. They made a special local dish for dinner which I enjoyed. I ate with a guy from Buenos Aires and a girl from Israel (I want to go there). After I have read. No idea what else later.

Tomorrow I fly (well paraglide).

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