Sunday, February 21, 2010

"I've been through the desert on a horse with no name"

I woke up just a little too late to miss breakfast. I sat and talked with some people. I then showered and got ready for the day. I headed to the bus station to buy my ticket back to Buenos Aires. I enjoyed the walk, though still going through withdrawl of my camera. After I got back, I relaxed for a while. Then I decided to go out and grab food. I read in the city which was pleasant. I then had a nice skype date with Abbey. After I got back and relaxed some more. Then met some people I would be riding with.

We got in the van. The ride took 30 minutes, and then some time in the desert, where it looked like they were going to leave us out there to survive. But eventually, we reached the horses. They were beautiful creatures. Yes I knew this before but it was nice to be reminded. I got on mine which was one of the biggests if not the biggest. As we headed out, mine stayed near the front of the pack most of the way. It had some issues with the other horses but I managed. It was gorgeous going through the countryside (kinda deserty) by horseback. I hope to do it again one day. Unfortunately there was not much of a sunset. But the night sky with all the stars made up for that. Eventually, we reached full circle and got back to our starting place. There we had a delicious BBQ and wine. Argentine steak is really hard to beat. A bunch of us talked about various things. We finally left around midnight and got back around 12:35. Now time to sleep.

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