Saturday, February 6, 2010

Barry White Blasting in McDonald´s

I woke up around 9ish or so. I checked emails and relaxed. Finally Michele and Natalia and I headed out. We dropped off some laundry and then headed to breakfast. We chatted about various topics, it was enjoyable. We then tried to go to the market to make some purchases, but it was too rainy. We then took a cab to a bus station. We are planning to go Pisac, a place of ruins, tomorrow and then went to the pharmacy because the girls are a bit under the weather.

On the way back to the hostel, I saw a bookstore I plan to check out this coming week. I read and watched some shows. I continued to relax before having a lovely Skype date with Abbey. It was nice to talk to her. I then got my laundry and some dinner. I ate chicken, rice, fries and noodles. I ate my dinner with Michele. It was nice. I then facebooked and watched the rest of the Harry Potter with some Brits. After that we plan to watch another movie then no idea.

I have decided that I am going to go to Mendoza and maybe Cordoba instead of going to Patagonia. I am doing to save money and since I prob will come to South America another time to see what I won´t see this journey, I will go to Patagonia then. This way, I can go horseriding and other things.

1 comment:

  1. is this the title you thought i'd love? if so, i do! and did it really happen?
