Monday, April 11, 2011

"And what it all boils down to is that no one's really got it figured out just yet"

So Sam Morton was amazing. He was probably my favorite speaker that we have had so far. He had such a passion for life and what he does. You could instantly tell that he discovered at a very young age what he wanted to do with his life and that he was able to take advantage of what fell in his lap at any given time.

For the second week in a row, we have had a speaker who had job opportunities fall in their lap and jump at them. I have to hope for job opportunities fall in my lap. It really scares me as I apply for jobs and try figuring out what is next. One of my favorite parts of these trips, is the chance to really talk to my peers about what is next. Some of us are moving to somewhere new and taking a random job while figuring out what is next, others are possibly going to graduate school, while others are moving to follow their dreams in one way or another.

I live in anxiety at the moment, trying to figure out where I will be. I guess I figure that in terms of jobs, I will be okay but I want to know where I am going to be. I have recently found a job that I love to have but the location is less than ideal. So I am starting to be comfortable with the idea of moving somewhere unexpected for a job. I am also becoming comfortable with the idea that life will just be ok. I just got to have faith in how things will turn out.

Tom Risser was a pretty interesting fellow. When watching the video, I saw that he was willing to have fun, but also was just a goofy fellow. I was pleasantly surprised by how he has taken his goofy side and made it productive in the work place. I mean if you just look at his desk, that thing is a serious piece of art. So he could have this boring job of working at a juicer making plant or whatever it actually is, but no, he finds a way to make it exciting and he has a lot of passion for. That is what we all need is passion. A movie I quite enjoyed posed this statement. "You know the Greeks didn't write obituaries. They only asked one question after a man died: "Did he have passion?".

I think that we all have to make sure that the answer to this question is yes for our lives. Without passion for what we do, then we just become drudges in the belly of the machine, instead of emperors in the global empire of love. There is a reason why Aaron Fetrow walked away from $90,000 a year, to whatever his pay is now. He didn't have the passion. I am working to find jobs that I have somewhat passion for, because while I know I have to make money, I want to feel accomplish and that sense that I did something for me today. Tom Risser, he defintely does that in the machines he helps create and the artwork he creates. No denying, that he is maybe one of the most creative and passionate speakers we have to date. So I have to give him props for that.

To end, I will share an Alanis Morissette song that reminds me of some of the stuff that are class is dealing with.

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