Friday, March 5, 2010


I woke up and got my laundry together. Then I dropped it off and met up with Jake. We went into the downtown area where we exchanged some of his traveler's checks. Then we headed to block with the numerous camera stores. After making some final observations, I ended up buying the same model camera that I had before. The guy was super cool and we talked for like 10-15 minutes about stuff. Then I headed home.

I relaxed for a while. Eventually, it was time to get a drink for the dinner with my program. After, my group and I headed to the other residencia a whiles away. We had a nice time there. We drank, ate empanadas, which are amazing, drank mate, again amazing. Then we watched the goals of Diego Maradona, including the hand of god. After, we watched some of an Argentine movie but I was too busy talking to people to really pay attention so I guess I will add it to my queue.

After I left, Chelsey and I bonded over our love for photography. Eventually, we went to a bar and talked. Then headed to bed.

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