Monday, February 15, 2010

What a difficult day


I woke up around 9ish. I grabbed some food and got my bags packed. I grabbed some money and paid my bill. I moved into my hostel which is only a block or so away from where I will be living starting the 26th through the 19th of June. I then headed to the Nikon store. If you have seen below, I am in a pickle. I have to wait until next Thursday (the 25th) for an estimate on my camera and lense. This will be an estimate, not a certianity. The people who I gave my gear to, not the same who will be fixing my camera, said it would probably around 30 days or so. For me that is a long time. I came back distraught and wrote the thing before. I had been emailing a craiglist poster since Friday. I could get the camera and a lens used for around 450 or so US. My dad said he would give me the money but is hesitant about the reality of this working since its a low price, and I would have to go her place in the evening. I am not sure what to do.

I tried to relax at the hostel for a bit. My computer was being a poo, which is really no surprised. I am currently trying to download a Malware fighter. I can not wait for a new computer (though I would take my camera back and keep my computer for a bit more if I could, I think.) This camera situation has me all distraught and not thinking rationally, maybe. I am not sure anymore. Abbey tried to calm me down which was nice but I am still not feeling strong. I hate that a material good has me this worked up. It maybe that things are falling apart and the easiest solution is so far away.

I went to a Japanese garden with Dana. It was really relaxing, and slighty helped me through this moment. I will return when I get a DSLR again due to the fact that it is pretty, cheap, and near by. After, we walked and talked and then eventually partied ways. I got on the subway here, and went into the center of the city. I went to the Nikon store again to see what the cheapest option was. Cheapest (because it is all new) is 1000 US for the latest one, D90. UGH. I am in torture and do not know what to do.

I then headed back where I got harressed by a little punk who wanted money or something. I eventually was able to escape him and get on the subway. I got back to my stop, grabbed food. Then sat and dwelled on opitions. I looked for used camera stores here. Closest I could find was an ebay type thing that had some decent options where the best option was right around the one the woman is asking for. Hmmm. I am trying to urge people to buy my photos so then I could get money then maybe I can do something about all this. Anyone who doesn´t know, go to Now to work on my computer. I am slowly trying to edit my photos from my month away.

I have a list of what is happening from Feb 26th to March 31st. I will post it soon.
My address from Feb 26th to June 19th is
Jack Sinclair
Paraguay 4668
(1425) Palermo, Buenos Aires

Send me luck, or checks if you want a photo. hahahhah.

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